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    I'm Lauren and this is a blog dedicated to living life with a healthy balance. I love to run, strength train, bike and just be downright active. I'm a marathoner as of April 24, 2010 and am currently looking forward to qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

    I absolutely love to eat and enjoy great food but doing it all in moderation. You'll see healthy, organic foods on here frequently but you'll also run into things such as pizza and sweets. I believe you can have it all... just not all at once.

    I'm always learning and discovering new foods, recipes, workouts and ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Join me on my journey towards becoming my healthiest self.

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Community Supported Agriculture

Before I get into too much I figured I’d tell you all what happened last night.

After I blogged, I ended up doing some arm, shoulder and ab strength training.  I got ready for bed shortly after and decided to look at my poor toenail that was hanging by a thread.  Lo and behold, I discovered that a new toenail had already grow in under the older toenail.  I guess that all started happening when I started marathon training because it had apparently been lifting off the nail bed for a while.  I was extremely happy about this.  This meant I could cancel my podiatry appointment, wear toenail polish this summer and not have a jacked looking toe for the rest of my life.  So I proceeded to take the old toenail off.  I got it 99% of the way off and realized the right side was still attached deep into the cuticle bed.  I then proceeded to be even more bull headed and poked and prodded on my toe for over an hour.  With no such look of having it budge, I decided to stop.

I headed to bed and fell asleep by 10:30, only to wake up at 1 a.m. with a throbbing, pulsating pain in my toe that I had worked on.  Being even more stubborn, I decided the only solution was to work on it some more and get that last part out of my skin.  After another hour of nothing, I sat there and just cried.  What had I done to myself?  I wrapped it with a bandaid and tried to lay back down and sleep.  After a long while of it throbbing, I guess my finally was exhausted enough to fall back asleep.  So needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep last night and my toe still hurts majorly.  I spoke with one of our doctors at work today who has run several marathons and he even looked at my toe and said it looks like it is infection free and that I just need to keep it covered and let the new nail push that part of the old nail out.  No running until that happens though!  So I was just completely exhausted from last night.  Me and my stubborn self, all my fault.  My mind immediately went to seeing my toe having to be amputated, all because of me being so head strong.  Thankfully it is already feeling better and I’m keeping my hands off.  So pray for a quick and speedy recovery and no infection.  I’ve definitely learned my lessons from all this toe drama.

Alright… onto the rest of the day.  We had an afternoon nurses reception and they had much better choices to eat than this morning’s reception.

Fountain flowing of chocolate?  Yes, please and thank you.

Lots of cream filled puff pastries and mini cheesecakes.  Glad I don’t care for either two.

Lot of cheeseballs, cracker, hummus, pimento sandwiches, veggie wraps and veggies.

Veggie Bruschetta

My plate of goods.

I ended up not eating but one veggie wrap because they were so dry.  I loved everything else though and might have had a few spoonfuls of chocolate too.  Because that’s how I roll.

Hence the reason I am completely not hungry for dinner tonight.

I biked home in some hot, humid, muggy, 80 degree weather and was extremely excited to open our refrigerator and see this.

And then I saw this on the counter!  All free stuff from Kraft foods.

Ok, onto the big blue box which is NOT from Kraft foods.

It’s from the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) that we joined this year.  We’ve been interested in joining a food co-op and thought it was the perfect opportunity when some of our friends from church decided to start their own with a farm they bought just a few miles away from Louisville in New Albany, Indiana.

For 26 weeks we will be receiving fresh fruits and veggies at our doorstep.  This was our first week and we couldn’t wait to see our goods.  We believe this is a great way to continue to eat organically for a fraction of the cost of what it would cost to buy at the store and support our local farmers, or in this case, friends who are breaking out into this venture.


Pok Choy. (Not Bok Choy)


A bag of various lettuce mix for salads or what not.

All of the organic, perfect goodness.  Fresh from the earth!

I can’t wait to dig in.  The first few weeks will be a lot of spring, lettuce mixes but I can’t wait to watch our boxes grow as the season matures!  I’ll definitely be eating things I’ve never tried before or that we’ve never cooked at home.  It’s going to be a fun 26 weeks!

We also will be receiving a dozen farm fresh eggs every 3 weeks as well.  We had the option of a weekly dozen but we definitely don’t eat eggs that often so I think every three weeks will be just right.  And who knows, we might be receiving fresh chicken to be cooked too!  We’re extremely excited about this opportunity.  You can count on me definitely sharing all of this new knowledge with you as we jump on this venture.

I decided I needed a little fruit to balance out all the carbs and chocolate I ate today to cap me off for the night.

I’m perfectly content now.  I’ve showered, packed the lunch for work tomorrow and will definitely be in bed and chilled out way before my 10 o’clock bedtime goal!  Hope you had a happy hump day!

Have you ever joined a CSA?  Do you prefer to go to the farmer’s market during the season or just shop at the store?

Keeping It Real

I was all about my lunch today.  I couldn’t wait to dig into my huge green, veggie filled salad and chicken!

That chicken from last night was so moist and delicious so I knew I was in for a treat with a chicken leg I grabbed!

Salad salad!!  Oh I love you and all your fresh vegetables!

Such a good, filling lunch!

I packed some trail mix for my later afternoon snack.

Paired with a thing of Sargento cheese.  I was excited to pick up a whole pack of these individual Mozzarella string cheeses so I could pack them in a hurry!

Can’t wait to get home and eat some pizza tonight!!  See you later gators!

Wishy Washy

Last night after I left you all, the hubs ended up cooking himself a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on whole wheat toast.  He had enough left over that he insisted I eat one too.  I couldn’t let it go to waste!  😉

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.  Usually I would really eat a combo like this but it satisfied me with a bit of comfort food before I turned in for bed.

I didn’t get to sleep until almost 11:30 last night!  Way too late for me.  I was surprised since I ran yesterday, laid out and biked to and from Community Group.  Usually on days like that, I crash out but I guess the sun didn’t drain me like I thought it would have!

I had a feeling I’d be put on call from work this morning but no such luck.  I headed in and worked until 11:30 and the second I hit overtime, I was sent home on call.

Oh yeah, I did eat some Honey Nut Cheerios at work for breakfast.

So I headed home and had an agenda since the hubs was at home all day.  We needed to go to our storage unit and swap my winter clothes for summer clothes, eat lunch and hit up the grocery.  Oh, and can I just say how hard my bike ride was on the way home because of 25 mph winds?  Brutal!!

We decided lunch was a must before everything else.  Food first always!

We decided North End Cafe sounded good and was lucky enough to get a spot on the patio.

Isn’t he handsome?

Do I look any more tan from yesterday?!

We decided to split food today.  I thought their natural grass fed beef burger on a whole wheat bun sounded perfect to split.  It was half a pound!  Huge!!  There is no way I could’ve eaten it all myself.  Served with a side of fries and a pickle of course.

We also ordered the hummus tapas.  Complete with carrot sticks, snap peas, pita bread and olives.  And hummus of course.

My half of things.

I was completely satisfied with our meal.  Too bad we couldn’t sit out there and enjoy the sun more because as soon as we had finished, work called to call me back in.  Just a mere two hours after letting me go home.  Errrr…. I’m getting quite frustrated with this whole on call, send Lauren home from work and then call her back in thing.  I will not put my work life above my personal life.  I will go on with my life and if they call me in, then I’ll get there when I can get there.  I can’t live my life waiting by the phone doing nothing when I’m on call.  Am I valid on this?

So it was back to work for another 5 hours and since the hubs had to drop me off at work after lunch, he had to pick me up from work when I got off.  We decided to go straight to our storage unit after I got off work and grab my summer clothes and get it over with.  And we also picked up our food processor that was packed away too!  Can’t wait to start using it soon!!

I had a Carman’s  muesli bar for a snack to hold me over until dinner since we’d be eating a lot later than usual!

Love these bars!!

We decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken from Fresh Market and some asparagus for dinner.  I also snagged some bananas, Fresh Market’s strawberry jam, whole grain crackers, hummus and whole grain waffles.  I know it sounds weird, but I’m going to buy the rest of our groceries tomorrow.  We didn’t need a lot from Fresh Market so I’ll get the rest of the everyday items from Kroger tomorrow.  And we were hungry so we wanted to hurry!!

We finally got home, heated up the chicken in the oven for a few minutes, sauteed some asparagus and were good to go!

Hummus and a few crackers on the plate as well.  Now looking back, I’ve had my share of hummus today!

I ended up not eating all my piece of chicken because it was quite large so we saved the rest of my chicken and the big chicken for leftovers.

The hubs is now making cake balls.  Click Here and Here for the two part recipe.

This time we’re doing white cake and white icing made into balls and dipped into melted white chocolate and melted regular chocolate.  We shall see how they turn out.  We’ll finish them tomorrow since it’s so late tonight but I was happy to have been able to lick the remnants of raw cake mix of a spatula.  It’s my favorite part!  🙂

Hope you’ve had a great Friday!  I have all weekend off and that means I can stay up late, sleep in tomorrow, lounge, lay out…. heck!  Just do whatever I want!  I haven’t had a weekend like that in a LOOOOONG time!  You shall be seeing lots of posts from me.  Stay tuned…

Would you get frustrated being sent home and called back into work within just a couple of hours?

Preparing for Three of Four

Good evening!!  Since we have our wonderful MacBook back up and running, I’m back to being able to take pictures with my camera and blogging mainly in the evenings again.  As glad as I am to have our computer back, it’s going to be a pain finding everything we lost like applications, bookmarks, music and pictures.  But we’ll slowly get it back to normal.  So I have major catching up to do on all of your blogs!  I feel like I’ve missed out on so much these last few days!  Eek!  Tomorrow, after my race, I shall make that my task.

The hubs apparently fixed my bike yesterday and failed to tell me until I was walking out the door this morning and it was too late to re-vamp and hop on the bike so I drove to work but knowing that my bike is a-ok makes me happy!  Can’t wait to be biking on a regular basis again!

I had some Kashi H2H and Special K granola for cereal this morning.  Oh so good.

Lunch was pretty simple.  Just some flank steak and green beans.  Nothing too special but good nonetheless.

A little while later I was starving for a snack!  My nursing friend brought me another cheese wedge to try.  Isn’t that so sweet?  I didn’t like this near as much as the Laughing Cow so I’ll stick to the Laughing Cow.

Served with a few wheat crackers from our hospital cafeteria and a mandarin.

I absolutely rushed home from work because it’s pasta (aka: carbo loading) night!!  I have race 3 of 4 tomorrow!  The Papa John’s Ten Miler.  The hubs scooped me a rather larger portion than I originally asked but somehow I managed to get it all down.  🙂

Tonight calls for a piece of garlic bread too!  What would a carbo loading night be without bread with the pasta?!

Fresh grated parmesan cheese.  Please and thank you.

I have to admit that I ended Lent a day early (or two days early, however you want to look at it).  It’s Good Friday obviously and I just thought, I’ve gone this whole time, I’ve learned a lot and tonight is the night to end this Lenten season for myself.  So I had this.

So darn good!!!  I had a couple spoonfuls and stopped.  Completely satisfying even though I probably could’ve eaten the whole carton!

Mmmm… I could never ever give up sweets forever!  I love them too much!!

I then started to busy myself with getting things ready for the race in the morning so I wouldn’t go too extremely crazy with the sweets since it’s been 43 days!  So I got all my gear ready!

Look at what the hubby bought me!

An armband to put my iPhone in so I can be safe with my phone handy, even in the spring and summer months when I don’t wear a jacket or something with pockets.  He’s so thoughtful.  I love my hubs being the Easter Bunny!  I’m going to test it out tomorrow and see how I like it!

Alright, I’m officially carbo loaded and now I need to shower, wind down and get some sleep!  We have lots to do tomorrow after the race like brunch with other runner friends, hair appointments for both of us (I’m so due for a color!), light grocery shopping and then home!  I think it’ll end up being a full day!  I’m trying to talk the hubs into switching out my winter clothes for my spring/summer clothes at the storage unit so hopefully we’ll get to that too!  Busy busy day!  I’m trying to mentally prepare myself with thinking about racing in the morning but I so don’t feel like I have a race in the morning.  That good be a good… or a bad thing!  Here’s to hoping it goes great and the weather is awesome!  We’re tackling some pretty crazy hills on this course so I’m hoping my body doesn’t bonk out!

Wish me luck!  See you after the race!!

What are your plans for this weekend?

Lunch Repeat

Hello lunch time bloggies and friends! This will be super quick because I’m trying to chow down!

The wheaties cereal I had for breakfast didn’t hold me over like I thought it might. I helped deliver a baby and was completely starving and couldn’t stop thinking about getting to go for lunch! I was starting to feel quite shaky. I knew I needed nutrition badly.

I have a lunch repeat from yesterday. Tuna salad, crackers, Laughing Cow cheese wedge and a mandarin.

I brought a pear to originally eat with my lunch like yesterday but I think I’m going to eat it as a snack later. We have a meeting at church tonight so I want to have something to hold me over until dinner.

I’m off to finish my lunch and hop back to it! See you all tonight! Hope you’re having a fantastic day so far!

Do you have lunch repeats very often!?I feel like it’s so easy to do with grab and go!