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    I'm Lauren and this is a blog dedicated to living life with a healthy balance. I love to run, strength train, bike and just be downright active. I'm a marathoner as of April 24, 2010 and am currently looking forward to qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

    I absolutely love to eat and enjoy great food but doing it all in moderation. You'll see healthy, organic foods on here frequently but you'll also run into things such as pizza and sweets. I believe you can have it all... just not all at once.

    I'm always learning and discovering new foods, recipes, workouts and ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Join me on my journey towards becoming my healthiest self.

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Unexpected Day of Work

I honestly didn’t expect to go to work today.  I figured that I’d be placed on call because that has seemed to be the Friday trend lately.  So I went to bed without a shower last night expecting to be able to sleep in a little later than usual and then shower and piddle around the house.  Nope.  So that means I had to drag my rear out of bed that much earlier to get all cleaned up and ready for work.  I usually take my showers at night so I have more time to sleep but every once in a while it is nice to start off my work day with a hot shower to get me going.

I quickly threw together my breakfast since I hadn’t prepared the night before.  (I didn’t get to bed until after 11… eek!!)

My favorite cereal concoction. Kashi H2H and Special K Granola.

A match truly made in cereal heaven.

Then they were going to send me home at 11 due to the calmness and low census of patients and then the floodgates broke loose so I ended up working all day.

Good thing I had my tasty lunch that I had packed to eat yesterday that I didn’t get to eat due to food being catered in.

Whole wheat tortilla stuffed with flank steak, topped with homemade salsa, shredded cheese and spring mix.  So good!

A couple tablespoons of homemade salsa with some chips?  Yes, definitely.

The salsa is pretty spicy so I ate 4 saltines afterwards to keep my mouth from burning off.  Worked like a charm.  And my tummy was completely satisfied.

A pear for an afternoon snack.

Right after work I drove to a church that the hubs was leading Disciple Now for a youth group and ate dinner with him and enjoyed watching the youth worship.

Pizza was served.

Not my first choice of dinner since I feel like I’ve had so much Italian food type items this past week but it’s a good carbo loading meal nonetheless for my 10k tomorrow morning.  And it’s free.  Can’t beat that!

Well, I have my 10k in the morning and will not be getting as much shut eye as I’d like but I’ll sacrifice to support the hubs in his endeavors too!

Thank goodness one of my friends picked up my race packet for me today so I don’t have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to go get it and then wait around for the start of the race.

I’ve got the anxious/nervous/excited jitters but in a good way.  I’m excited for this race!  I just hope I’ll make good time and push myself.  I’ve got everything ready!

Shoes: Check, Sports Bra: Check, Garmin: Check, iPod: Check, Camera: Check, Runing Tee: Check, Socks: Check, Headband: Check, Pants: Check.

I’ll pin my number on tomorrow morning when Glenna brings me my race packet.

Whew. I  think that’s it!

I’m setting my alarm to wake up at 5 a.m. so I can eat me a breakfast and go back to bed until about 6:30 so it will digest.  I’m thinking whole wheat toast with a spread of peanut butter and sliced banana will be sufficient for fuel.

I’m really hoping that my funky mood will go away after my race tomorrow morning.  I’m thinking that running is my natural Xanax.  Those endorphins are good for me and since I haven’t ran since Tuesday, I’m feeling the major itch to get those flowing again!!  So adrenaline+other runner’s energy+completing a race= a great sounding endorphin boost!  Can’t wait!  Hopefully there will be sunshine!!!

I’m off to try and get as much rest as I can!  Wish me luck!  I’ll write as soon as I can after the race!

What is your natural Xanax?  Food, running, working out, love, walking, laughing, etc?

Guac, Salsa, and Fajitas

What a day it has been.  As soon as I stepped onto the floor at work this morning I was told by the night shift manager “You might as well go ahead and put your roller skates on”. And boy was she right.  Today was different from yesterday in that it was an organized chaos.  We were completely full, busy and had patients waiting for rooms but we had enough staff today to be able to help each other out and pay proper attention to our patients.

I was glad to get breakfast in my belly this morning.  Puffed wheat cereal with a sliced banana.

Lunch was a little late for my usual routine today.  I ate after 1 pm and was pretty hungry.  I was glad to have leftover whole wheat tortellini (cheese filled) with marinara.

With a salad on the side.

All together.  Don’t you love my fancy tupperware?  I wish I could eat on my real plates everyday!  ;-(

Later on for a snack I had a pear.

And maybe I had a handful of Chex Mix too.  I’ve felt super snacky today and I feel like it’s from my weekend of eating mostly carbs.  I’ve got to get back on track because my body is feeling, shall we say, bloated?!  All that bread is making me expand!!

Anyway… I hit the ground running after work and did 3 hard, fast miles.  (Well, fast for me)  I enjoyed the 57 degree weather and it being light outside!!!  Here’s my stats:

Mile 1: 9:53

Mile 2: 9:11

Mile 3: 8:08

Total: 27:12 minutes


I was famished by the time I got finished with the run and was so excited for flank steak fajitas that were waiting on me!

First up: My whole wheat fajita packed with flank steak, spring mix, homemade salsa, sour cream, cheese and grilled onion.

Homemade guacamole?  Sure.  Note: Another shocker so prepare yourself.  This is only the second time I’ve ever had guacamole.  The first time was just a few weeks ago and I love it!!

Homemade salsa? Absolutely!

All rolled up with some tortilla chips on the side.  Obvi.

So so good!  I wanted another wrap but I decided to wait and see how I felt after a little while and of course, I was full.  But I did seem to have just enough room left in the tummy for some fruit.  One mandarin and red grapes while I am blogging.  I LOVE fruit!!!

Ok, so this night will be the beginning of trying to get back to bed and be asleep by 10 pm!  I’ve got to get moving so I can make it!!  I hope you all had a great Tuesday.  It sure felt like Monday to me… weird!

What do you do when you feel super snacky and know you need to get back on track?!