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    I'm Lauren and this is a blog dedicated to living life with a healthy balance. I love to run, strength train, bike and just be downright active. I'm a marathoner as of April 24, 2010 and am currently looking forward to qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

    I absolutely love to eat and enjoy great food but doing it all in moderation. You'll see healthy, organic foods on here frequently but you'll also run into things such as pizza and sweets. I believe you can have it all... just not all at once.

    I'm always learning and discovering new foods, recipes, workouts and ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Join me on my journey towards becoming my healthiest self.

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Don’t Hate

Good evening!  The rest of the day ended up not like I expected.  I ended up leaving work, by my own choosing, (surprise, surprise) early so I could get some errands ran, a run in and dinner, all in a timely manner.  To be honest, my mind is honestly not anywhere focused towards work right now.  Yes, I do my job and I love it but all I can think about is the marathon!  As I biked into work this morning, I already started mentally preparing for this Saturday.  I already find myself praying unceasingly for the Lord to give me the physical and mental strength to start and FINISH this marathon.  So weird how one thing can have you so focused….

ANYWAY!!  I know you don’t want to keep hearing about all of that so I’ll get onto my lunch.  I had the rest of my frozen pot roast from Easter.  So delish!

There is some meat under the potatoes, carrots and onions!

I found myself extremely ravenous about one o’clock which is really unusual for me.  Usually I can hold out until 4 or 5 but by 2:30, I couldn’t wait any longer.  It was all over.  I needed to dig into this bad boy!

I was so excited!  These bars turned out PERFECT!!!  I was seriously impressed with myself!  Adding more brown rice syrup, peanut butter and chocolate chips was the best decision ever!  I will be making these fairly often, I believe.  So easy.  I’m going to start experimenting with other ingredients for sure so stay tuned for granola bar adventures. 🙂

I left work at 3:30, biked home, hopped in the car with the hubs and ran some errands.  We got home around 5:30 or so and decided it was time for dinner because I was extremely cranky acting due to HUNGER!  What is with me?  I could not keep my hunger at bay at all today!

Guess what dinner was?

Don’t hate!  This small Reese’s Cup blizzard needed me, I couldn’t say no!

Exercise tonight was over 3.5 miles of walking and jogging.  I coerced the hubs into going with me as we walked to DQ and then headed over to St. James Court a mile down the road.  I now feel like I need to get some chest, back and ab exercises in.  I’m feeling super productive since we tackled some much needed errands, dinner, walk/jog, getting food ready for work tomorrow, and now blogging… all before 8:15 p.m.!

I have two more days of work this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) and they are super busy as is the rest of the week!  Tomorrow night we have a dinner to go to, Wednesday night we have a birthday to celebrate for a friend with dessert and games, Thursday morning I have my last run planned with one of my sweetest friends at 5:30 a.m. and my special guest comes into town!  Lots more from Thursday thru Sunday but I’ll get to more of that closer to time.  Hope you had a good one!

What’s your favorite Blizzard flavor?

The Goodness of Dairy Kastle

We are back from our lovely walk to and from the amazing Dairy Kastle.

Look at this gorgeous tree outside of University of Louisville.

It was just as glorious as I remember.

On the menu for our dinner:

One hot dog with mustard, ketchup and relish for me.

Then the grand event!  Dessert!  I present to you the best Reese’s Cup flurry in the world!

It’s rather large.

I thought ahead and brought containers to put half of the flurry in so I could freeze it.

Normally I would have eaten the whole thing, and totally could’ve done that tonight but moderation is key.

I took my Garmin to see exactly how far the walk was each way and it’s about .90 miles each way.  Not too shabby.  Totally worth a great 20 minute walk to talk with the hubs and enjoy the great weather.

I’m off to take a hot bath, climb in bed and watch TV with the hubs.  I have so many Tivo shows to watch!  Wheeee!!!  I, unfortunately, am working tomorrow which is a bummer since it’s Easter Sunday but we have dinner plans with friends.  We’re making a roast and they’re handling the bread and dessert.  It should be a great time!  See you tomorrow!

Do you have any restaurants or spots you like to walk to grab dinner/dessert?